Tuesday, 8 November 2016

...an update for my prayer partners:

I had my meeting with the consultant yesterday.  The cancer was not just one type but had varied strains within the 30mm lump, mainly non-seminomas,including teratomas, embryonal carcinomas, yolk sac tumours, as well as seminoma - if this was bingo, this is almost a full-house!  Unfortunately, it doesn't make me such a useful research guinea pig as it makes tying any particular type down to a specific set of genes more difficult.

…but for me the outlook is looking good - it is even more of a relief to know that it has been removed as there are some pretty scary names in that little lot!  So, I'm now under surveillance for a while longer as one of the tumour marker proteins in the blood (the AFP) takes a while longer to get back to normal, having a longer "half-life" than the others (it was 48 at the time of the operation, falling to 23 after a week and then 11 last Friday, so all heading in the right direction to <1 as we would hope; the other one which was raised (HCG) fell from 36 to <1 within the 1st week.  The CT scan was clear, although they will be monitoring some (only very) slightly enlarged pulmonary lymph nodules in my chest (which is probably just normal), with another CT scan before I can be given the all clear.  However, the conclusion is that is there is no evidence of the cancer spreading, i.e. it was only Stage 1, which is wonderful news!  Next update will be just before Christmas, so hoping that it will be a very happy one...

Thanks for all the prayers, cards and well-wishes.  I feel the love and it helps a lot - God bless you!
Love, Kevin

1 comment:

  1. That's really good news Kevin. Looking forward to seeing you at the St Nic's patronal festival in December.
